February Random Acts of Kindness
Ah February... how can the shortest month of the year feel so looooong sometimes? I'm not sure how that works exactly, but at our house we choose to combat the long month of February by doing Random Act of Kindness (ROAK).
This year I decided to created a graphic for my kids to track their kindness to see how all those little acts can really add up! This is in no way meant to be a scoreboard to highlight what *didn't* get done. It's meant to be a celebration of every single kindness that we share, no matter how many or how few.
Here are our 28 RAOK in no particular order:
- Help a friend if they need it: This can be as simple as carrying something or as complex as finding an adult to intervene in a sticky situation.
- Make a pretty bookmark and leave it in a library book: There are loads of printables on Pinterest you could use or just put out some strips of construction paper, markers and stickers and let your kids do their thing.
- Call someone and ask about their day: Grandparents or other relatives that we can't see in person right now would probably love the opportunity to catch up with your littles.
- Leave happy notes on parked cars: Just a simple note that says "Have a great day" or something similar is an easy way to put some good vibes out into the world.
- Sit with someone who is sad if they want company: We don't always know what to "do" when someone feels sad. So take this opportunity to just sit and support someone so they know they aren't alone.
- Donate books to a little free library in your area: What better way to spread kindness than books?!
- Tell someone you don't know to "Have a good day!": You never know when a simple gesture can change a person's entire day.
- Tell someone a joke: Laughter is contagious and this is a great way to pass it on!
- Smile at someone you don't know: This may be challenging from behind a face covering, so maybe wave if you need to!
- Leave M&Ms in your mailbox for your mail carrier: Any treat will do, I just happen to know that our mailman loves M&Ms.
- Hold the door for someone: This doesn't even have to be a stranger. Siblings can hold the door for each other, or for Mom or Dad.
- Invite someone new to play with you: Use your best COVID judgement with this one. Even just saying hello to a new kid is a great start.
- Write a thank you note for the trash collector: Talk about a thankless, but essential job. Take a minute to let them know you appreciate the work they do.
- Let a sibling do what they want first: Letting someone go first, especially a sibling is a great (if sometimes difficult) kindness.
- Bake (or buy) something for the neighbors: Again, use your COVID judgement. We are very close to some of our neighbors and would feel comfortable taking them treats. Others, not so much.
- Write a letter to an out of town family member: Who doesn't love to get mail? A couple of sentences will do, no one needs to write a novel. ;)
- Clean up after someone else: Offer to clear someone else's dishes after a meal or help a sibling clean up their toys.
- Wave hello to neighbors when you see them: We can all feel isolated at times, now more than ever. Brighten the neighbor's day with a hearty wave.
- Put together a care package for someone serving in the military: Your local USO is a great place to start, or go to www.anysoldier.com. If you have a Veteran's home near you, consider sending letters to residents there as another option.
- Encourage someone who's doing something new or hard: It's always nice to know when we have the support of family and friends. Siblings can encourage each others efforts or show support along the way.
- Drop off a Get Well card for a sick friend: COVID aside, we still have regular sick days. Dropping a card (on the porch or in the mailbox) is sure to make their time under the weather a bit brighter.
- Write a nice note to a current or former teacher: Teachers love a heart felt note and it's an easy act of kindness.
- Give someone a compliment: Giving a genuine compliment is sure to brighten someone's day. My daughter went through a phase where she complimented strangers all the time if she liked their hair, or hat or coat. It was the sweetest thing.
- Offer to help a sibling with something: This can be anything from helping them reach something, a puzzle they're working on, a chore, or homework.
- Make a card and give it to someone special: Help your child brainstorm who's special to them, if they need it, and then let them get to work.
- Offer to teach someone something they don't know how to do: This is especially good for an older sibling who has an adoring younger sibling. :D
- Drop off snacks at your local fire station or police department: It's a good idea to call first, just to make sure there aren't any restrictions is place. These snacks don't have to be homemade, store bought snacks are great if that fits your schedule and budget.
- Pick up trash in your neighborhood or at the park: Everyone benefits from this act of kindness.
You can download the graphic to print out here.