Gratitude season is here!
I don't know about where you are, but it finally feels like fall in Colorado!
I survived this year's Halloween class party and parade, made sure everyone had everything they needed for their costumes before heading out to trick or treat, and may or may not have eaten more mini Snickers than I'd like to admit. 🤣
It's always tempting this time of year to push right into the gift buying, rush-rush-rush mindset, but this year I'm going to slow down and enjoy November first.
This month I plan to focus on all the things we have to be grateful for. I created a Gratitude Calendar to share with you just in case you're looking for a way feel a little more connected and grateful too.
The gratitude activities range in scope from just appreciating something simple, like listening to music, to more complex things like organizing a food or toy drive. You may not have the time or energy to do all the activities, and that's ok! This isn't meant to be one. more. thing. taking up space in your already crowded mental space!
Feel free to share it with anyone you think would like it. I have it hanging on the fridge as a reminder to slow down and enjoy this season while we can! Just click the calendar below to print it out or save it.
If you have any trouble access the calendar to download, just shoot an email to hello@wondersjourney.com and let me know. I'll be in touch super quick with your Gratitude Calendar attached!