How are you doing, and how can I help?
I've spent the past week adjusting to having both of my kids and my husband home with me full time. Trying to navigate keeping the kids (relatively) quiet during my husbands video conference calls, balancing SOME learning time and running a small business has been a learning experience, to say the least!
I know we're all in some sort of similar situation, so I thought I'd share what's working for us:
1. Slow down where you can. We've chosen to make breakfast a leisurely event each day. The kids are helping make breakfast while we listen to music, and take frequent dance breaks!
2. Meet them where they are. If your school district has closed and is not yet offering eLearning, what you're doing is not Homeschooling. Homeschooling involves trips to libraries and museums to fully immerse yourselves in a subject. It should be called quarantine schooling, which is something totally different! Build learning into whatever your kids are into. We're using this time to write letters to friends and family, working on math when we cook and if my kids take off on their own project, I'm supporting and building on it anyway I can.
3. Allow yourself humor and grace. This is a difficult time for everyone, and we're all doing the best we can.
I want to offer some new items, or digital downloads if you think it would be helpful as we figure out our new normal for the foreseeable future. If this is something you would be interested in let me know at hello@wondersjourney.com
For now, enjoy this Indoor Bingo I created. Please feel free to use it however you think it will work best for you and your kids, but here are a few suggestions based on age. Click here to download your copy!
Toddlers: Name each item on the sheet and walk around the house together to find the things you can. You may find some toddlers will run with this and make it their own independent activity.
Preschoolers: Some 3-5 year olds may still need or want help with this. We use a bingo dotter for my 4 year to mark his sheet, but others may like to color the items in or check them off.
Big Kids: If your kids are older, you could challenge them to get Bingo in only one room. Or time them to see how fast they get Bingo, or 'blackout' (fill in all the squares).
You can also print two copies and play like traditional Bingo, by cutting one set into squares, if that works best for you and your family. Also, please feel free to be as literal or not as you want. Decide ahead of time if pictures of items, or toys will be suitable substitutes for the real thing.
Wonder on, and be well!